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Forgotten Sunrise |
Staatus: vHRC Liige
Postitusi: 219
Kommentaare: 0
Liitus: 13-01-2003
Elukoht: Pärapõrgu
Sugu: Mees
Postitus lisatud: 24. aprill 2004, kell 11:44 |
Et mõtlesin, et paneks siis ka siia.........normaalne, onju.
Öelda pole hetkel muud kui, et tulemas on muudatusi. Ja et meie järgmised esinemised saavad toimuma :
01.05.04 - Kunigunda Lunaria Festival, Vilnjus, Leedu
08.05.04 - Salamandra Club, Riia, Läti
10.06.04 - Von Krahl, Tallinn (Plastic Whore`i plaadiesitlus + Shelton San)
Kui on huvi ka pisut vanemate uudiste vastu, tasub külastada meie saiti
Ja kui on tahtmist olla kursis ka tulevikus toimuvaga, soovitaks liituda meie mailing-list`iga (vastav pleiss kodukal).
Deathbeat 4ever !!! ;-) |
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Heitschi heitscha, heitscha, hei velêd!
Staatus: HRC Kolumnist
Postitusi: 4772
Kommentaare: 241
Liitus: 03-10-2002
Elukoht: Reval, Eesti
Sugu: Mees
Postitus lisatud: 04. mai 2004, kell 11:24 |
Kuratino kirjutas:
Nüüd siis Leedust tagasi....konsa läks persse, kuigi rahvale läks hirmsasti peale aga helimees oli ikka totaalne vitt peast raisk. Korraldaja lubas talle osa rahast maksmata jätta, sest see mees ei teadnud lihtsalt üldse mis värk on. |
Eesti bandid - oma helimees kaasa!!!!
Laupäeval siis Lätti, loodetavasti läheb paremini.....
Festar ise oli muidugi ülim kõva!!! Ja bändid olid nii head, et lausa masendus tuleb peale kui võrrelda neid eesti skenega....... |
Leedu ja Läti elektroonilise muusika skene on meie omast nii palju ees, et võiks lausa väita, et siin mingit skenet ei eksisteerigi!.
Kuulasin eile just Läti bandi Rosewater (kirjutatakse ikka nii?) uuemat kama ja hää oli kurat. Miks siin midagi sellist ei tehta?! Peab vist ise härjal sarvist haarama, aga ma ei tea sellest härjast veel suurt sittagi... ))) |
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ja nii ongi!
Staatus: vHRC Liige
Postitusi: 841
Kommentaare: 6
Liitus: 14-05-2003
Elukoht: Tallinn
Sugu: Naine
Postitus lisatud: 07. mai 2004, kell 18:46 |
Kuratino kirjutas: juhtus ja ok ju :-)
Nüüd siis Leedust tagasi....konsa läks persse, kuigi rahvale läks hirmsasti peale aga helimees oli ikka totaalne vitt peast raisk. Korraldaja lubas talle osa rahast maksmata jätta, sest see mees ei teadnud lihtsalt üldse mis värk on......
Laupäeval siis Lätti, loodetavasti läheb paremini.....
Festar ise oli muidugi ülim kõva!!! Ja bändid olid nii head, et lausa masendus tuleb peale kui võrrelda neid eesti skenega....... |
nini. helimehe "põlemist" me juba lätis nägime, kättemaks missugune mis helimehesse puutub siis vahepeal komistas ta mulle otsa. noh, juhtub, küllap ma istusin liiga vales kohas.. ja tal oli kiire lavale kuratino kisa peale aga muide, ta üritas teha nii mõndagi selgeks ka deadbabesi helimehele, vist, et viimane valesti teeb. dunno. igatahes minu poolt tuleb suhteliselt positiivne arvamus kogu üritusele, tõepoolest ei olnud seal ühtki igavat esinejat.
PS! mai saa, mulle meeldis deadbabesi helimees teel leetu
mõmiseb Vhatsoewer´it ja ootab järgmist konsat mis nii peppu ei lähe |
Üles |
Staatus: vHRC Liige
Postitusi: 219
Kommentaare: 0
Liitus: 13-01-2003
Elukoht: Pärapõrgu
Sugu: Mees
Postitus lisatud: 23. mai 2004, kell 19:25 |
Ja ühe veel liiga freshi revüü kannan siia sisse, kuna olen faking liigutatud.......taas.
FORGOTTEN SUNRISE is without a doubt one the most exciting “new” arrivals in years. “New” because this band was formed more than a decade ago but still “new” because this is their first full-length. After lots of difficulties, such as a lousy first record deal and years of no band activity the band surfaced again a few years ago, with a complete change of style (I’ll get back to that later) and after a couple of MCDs and one MaxiCD here’s “Ru:mipu:dus”. Now I can’t be 100% sure but from what I read from the info the band has underwent a drastic change of style. What once was a Death Metal has metamorphosed into a blend of nearly all thinkable genres. Synth Pop, Trip-Hop, Techno, Industrial, Jazz, Death Metal, Gothic Wave, EBM, you name it. So it’s definitely something you haven’t heard before, unless you happen to know of another band doing the same kind of weird music, in which case you should immediately inform me about it.
The music could most certainly be called weird and that would be a grave understatement. Psychedelic, trippy, schizophrenic, disturbing and utterly mesmerizing is what I’d call it. Not only because of all the different styles but because the mix works like a charm. One of the key factors is that the band has an uncanny talent for Pop sensibility. They mix all kinds of different elements and then by some mysterious and probably illegal way they manage to make it catchy as hell. Oh yeah and damn heavy too when need be. I do believe this is a violation against some universal laws of music.
The opening track kicks off with a rolling, heavy rhythm which is met with great Techno beats, some nice crunchy guitar riffs and weird sounds here and there. The vocals are Death Metal grunts, Black Metal hissing and even some yodelling for good measure. An absolutely fantastic track! The next track changes the concept opting for a mid-paced catchy Gothic Wave track with a great male/female duet. The chorus is so damn catchy it’ll stick to your head no matter what. There’s also some very nice synth melodies and some Jazzy bass beats. The third track is along the lines of the first one, going in a more EBM style with good drive and great, dry sounding drums. The whole song is rather schizophrenic: brutal/mellow, fast/calm, male/female and everything else in between. Good song to mess up your mind, seriously. “(Life) 24H” is a very experimental track with its Industrial background noise, didgeridoo, movie samples and funny Techno beats.
Although I was already starting to consider this a brilliant CD the final blow came from “Surroundcosmos”, arguably the best song on the CD. Rather mellow Synth Pop/Wave song with both female and male vocals again. Said like that it doesn’t sound as magical as it really is. The melody is just perfect and reminds me of PET SHOP BOYS or NEW ORDER in their prime which is saying a lot. After this masterpiece the next two songs are merely good but “Ple:se Disco-nnect Me” raises the bar very high again. It’s an amazing blend of Techno and Metal although the mobile phone’s “message arrived” beep in the beginning is damn disturbing. The longest and logically the slowest track is up next. There’s almost no artificial sounds here, it’s rather a soothing ethnic flavoured ballad played with traditional instruments like Tibetan bells, violin and guitars. It’s completely out of place but at the same time it fits right in the blend.
All in all “Ru:mipu:dus” is an unbelievably strong album and definitely one of the best this year has offered so far. Every open minded Metal fan should give it a chance. That is, if you’re not chronically allergic to Techno elements in music (not pointing any fingers… *wink*). The only things preventing me from going all out and giving this a perfect ten are the weird song titles, two merely good songs and more importantly the feeling that the band was actually holding back a bit and could’ve made an even odder CD if they wanted to. So, “only” 9.5 for now and hopefully they’ll be able to better this with their next release so I can give it a 10 with good conscience. (Online May 21, 2004)
Onju kift arvustus....... |
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Staatus: vHRC Liige
Postitusi: 75
Kommentaare: 0
Liitus: 07-10-2002
Elukoht: Tartu
Sugu: Mees
Postitus lisatud: 09. juuni 2004, kell 11:17 |
Kuratino kirjutas:
Järgmine laiv sel neljapäeval 10/06/2004 Krahlis Plastic Whore`i presekal.
Tuleb üks imelik laiv igatahes.....;-) aga loodame, et hea ja parem !! |
mis mõttes imelik? |
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